September 9, 2011

Final Pay Offs!

Once again, yesterday and today was Payday for J and I.

The only payment I have to make from my paycheck is my Canadian MBNA (apparently soon to be TD Bank, found out they bought out MBNA) which will be in my Canadian account by Monday morning.

For J's paycheck we paid off the 5 remaining US Credit Cards!

Navy Federal Visa: $1106.93 PIF
Navy Federal MC: $948.05 PIF
CFNA Firestone: $1017.79 PIF
Dell Financial: $886.95 PIF
Care Credit: $750.07 PIF

We are US Credit Card Debt FREE!!!

This was the original plan for when J went to Afghanistan, but since he will be going back for another 5 months, our next goal, which will get updated here shortly, will be to pay off my Canadian Credit Cards, and the NFCU Auto Loan.  Those are the definite goals.  There are a few other things that we may add, but that will be addressed once we know where we will be.  I have to figure out the whole tax free thing, and must find a good Tax person to help out.  I'm a little clueless about all of that, so if you know of any good sites that explain the process of filing taxes when someone has worked overseas for a year, it would be much appreciated!

The next few paychecks will be used to pay our normal expenses (rent, student loan, water, electricity, etc) and most will go into savings. a good day :)


444 said...

That must be a great feeling. Congratulations!

Michelle said...

Congrats! I'm jealous.

Andrea said...

Congratulations!!!!! Welcome to the land of people without credit card debt! The population is small, but we have much less stress! :)

Rafiki said...

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I have no idea what to say and probably can't begin to imagine how happy you are. I feel quite joyous just reading this update.


Jessica Fletcher-Fierro said...

Wow, that's awesome! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! thats wonderful!

Niki said...

Amazing! Congratulations to you and your husband.

~Carla~ said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats!! :) It feels great doesn't it?!

jpkittie said...

that is amazing - i am so proud of you!!!