February 28, 2012

How Sweet It Is! Another PIF!

This morning, I made a final transfer from my US RBC account to my Canadian RBC account.
Total amount transfered $3608 which equals out to $3527.43 (Darn Canadian dollar doing better than the US lol)

Total transfered to the RBC Visa - $3521.24 which makes it Paid In Full!

I was so excited I even took a screenshot of it!

Please ignore the New Balance, this is my Canadian account and only has real funds in it when I make transfers to it to pay the Canadian cards.  If my balances ever got that low, I think I would have either a heart attack or a flashback to about 3-4 years ago when it used to happen a lot!
I don't know how folks can do the $0 balance budget.  You all are very brave!

This feels AWESOME! Only one more Canadian card to go, and then we will have more money in the bank every paycheck that isn't going towards paying these, and all of that interest.  I'm scared to even look at how much we've paid in interest, so I think I will just make the final payments and NOT look...I might throw myself into a fit of depression.  Looking forward, not back from here on out :)


Out My window said...

Yeah! Look at you go, congratulations!

444 said...

I agree - you should not look back. Congratulations and enjoy that feeling of having money that is not already spoken for. It takes a while to get used to it, but it's fun to get used to it!

Niki said...

That is fantastic. I am so glad that you are doing so well and that you are really sticking to your plan. Your hard work is really paying off. (literally :P)

Stephanie said...

Congrats to you! That's wonderful news. What a nice feeling :)

Tania said...

That's very nice. Many congrats!

ShesPrettyFrugal said...

Great job! I know exactly how it feels to have something else paid in full! I just found your blog and am adding it to my bookmarks!

Louise said...

Well done! good on you and I agree about not looking back, focus on where your headed.

Rafiki said...

A bit late on this one but

Congratulations. I was really looking forward to seeing a post with all those zeros when I saw the title. My memory and imagination is pretty good though.

You've made 0 such an awesome number. Good going.