February 20, 2012

Short Post Made Long!

Made a large payment to the MBNA CC in Canada last week.

Previous balance was $15319 and with the payment (plus interest) brings it now to $12,564. That's a difference of $2755 :)

I'm hoping, and working the numbers to possibly pay off the RBC Visa here next week.  Right now (and the statement hasn't cut yet, but it should tonight) the balance on that is $3453. With the interest, it will probably be roughly $3510.  I'm crossing my fingers and checking the numbers over and over.  I will let you know if it is gone by next week! :)

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been packing up the house and dealing with some doctor's appointments for my weight loss and my achilles tendons.  Soon, there will be some more good news (I HOPE) on a fix for those.  I have a specialist appointment on monday with an Orthopaedic Surgeon to see what options I have to get back to a active life without so much pain.  Heck, I hope to get back to an everyday life without pain.

No updates on the seller's bank other than they are in 'negotiations' <_<
The sellers apparently are moving out though.  In fact, they were supposed to have been out by last Friday, and my realtor and I were going to check out everything on the Saturday.  I received a text early in the morning from my realtor saying they were still moving and we should wait.
I drove by the house yesterday to see if they left the above ground pool (it was listed as part of the sale, and then the sellers wanted to take it....then they tried to sell it to us separately.  We said no). I couldn't tell if it was there or not, but all I know is if they take it, they better take out the deck that's around it, and make the backyard look as it did when they moved in.  If it's not, I will not be happy.

Anyway. That's about it for this sort of Holiday Day off for me. I am still working 5 days this week, which means that even though I didn't work today, I still get the 8 holiday hours, plus the 40 hours I normally work, meaning a 48 hour pay week. Yay! More money!

Speaking of money, I got my yearly bonus.  $2650 after taxes. It all went into a Certificate that I have to almost max it out.  It will mature in June.  And as stated in my cruise post, it's going towards our cruise in January.  I booked that cruise last week :)  I am very excited that J and I will get to  have a 'Real' vacation for once.  We are going to take advantage of the time we'll be in Florida, and I am already saving for it all, and researching how to get the best deals with the 'points' we have. J has many United Miles, and Marriott Points.  We'll see what we can do with those :)

Wow, I started out wanting to just do a quick update on the MBNA card...guess I had a lot to talk about.  That's what happens when you disappear for a little bit! haha


Little Lamb said...

I love your money updates! They are always so huge!!! Hoepfully you can kick RBC to the curb too. Hope you also get great news from your specialist. Lots of exciting stuff for you.

Jolie said...

wow you've done amazing! way to kick at those Canadian CCs

Rafiki said...

Enjoyed the entire post. Happy to read things are looking up on every front.

Looking forward to seeing more zeros soon.